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Features: International Call Forward Service (ICFS)

You can now set your calls to follow you anywhere you are. Set up can be done by phone, SMS or from our website.

Subscribers can now travel between different countries and still enjoy great savings by using our services. Inform us the new destination number by calling+852 3189 0308; or sending a SMS to +852 6131 1852; or logging to our website to change the information and your calls will follow.

Set up by calling+852 3189 0308
Select language (1-Cantonese, 2-Putonghua, 3-English)
Enter 8-digit member card number
Enter 4-digit password
Press 1 to set up the ICFS
Enter 8 digit Hong Kong Phone Number to be diverted
Enter Overseas Phone Number
(country code + area codee + Phone Number + #) Eg. 8613912345678#
Press 1 to confirm (the setting will be saved)

Set up by sending a SMS in required format to+852 6131 1852
CF 8-digit member card no & 4-digit password , Hong Kong Phone No , Overseas Phone No

CHAT CHAT Anywhere Member Card: 6800 1234
Password: 5678
Hong Kong Mobile No: 9999 8888
Overseas Mobile No: 66 1234 5678

Your message will look like this:

  • CF680012345678,99998888,6612345678

Before leaving Hong Kong:
Divert all calls to your Hong Kong mobile number to+852 3059 9888.
Press * * 21 * 30599888 # <call>
Our system will automatically divert all your incoming calls to the overseas number that was set up previously.

When returning to Hong Kong:
Cancel all diverts from your mobile phone by entering # # 21 # <call>