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Prepaid Calling Cards: Market Segments
Specific calling cards are targeted to particular market segments and call instruction is in the corresponding national language.
$sql_cat = " SELECT * FROM tbl_product_category WHERE deleted=0 and active=1 and parent_id=0 ORDER BY sort_no ";
if ($result_cat = mysql_query($sql_cat)){
while ($row_cat = mysql_fetch_array($result_cat)){ ?>
$cat_id =$row_cat[id];
$sql_item = " SELECT * FROM tbl_product WHERE deleted=0 and active=1 and cat_id = $cat_id ORDER BY sort_no";
if ($result_item = mysql_query($sql_item)){
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result_item);
if ($num_rows > 0){
//$page_item = $num_rows;
//$paging_bar = paging_nav($page_item, $num_rows);
mysql_data_seek($result_item, $paging_bar[0]);
for($i=0; $i < $num_rows ;$i++){
if($row_item = mysql_fetch_array($result_item)){
$imgfilename = get_prod_img_first_src($row_item[id], thu_crop);
$imgdata = getimagesize($imgfilename);
$imgwidth = $imgdata[0];
$imgheight = $imgdata[1];
echo $sql_item;
} ?>